
Prayer is a very important part of the Christian life and we trust that God hears and answers our prayers, although not always as we expect and sometimes in surprising ways.  Praying together is one of our priorities and apart from at Compline we pray together on a Sunday during our time of Intercession. Prayer workshops are held occasionally to encourage and support our volunteers who lead our Sunday prayers.

We offer prayer for those who are struggling in any way. There is a prayer tree in church where prayer requests can be left which are then offered to God by the prayer group, we are willing to include people in our prayers on Sunday if requested or contact the priest for individual prayer. 

Here at St. Michael's we produce a Cycle of Prayer twice a year, which names three different causes each Sunday, two of which are in the community and one further afield in a foreign country, and we bring them to our hearts during our Sunday service.

prayer picture